Pumpkin Envy: Suzy Mink’s Awe-Inspiring Pumpkin Carvings

We’re big fans of pumpkins. We like to eat ‘em, spray paint ‘em gold and set ‘em on the table, and roast and spice their seeds. But when it comes to carving, we’ve got a lot to learn. We’ve only ever attempted that same toothy grin that we did when we were younger, and to be honest, it’s getting kind of boring.

Since we’re right in the thick of pumpkin season, we checked in with the most talented pumpkin carver we know to ask her some questions, and get some major inspiration. While we don’t have high hopes that we’ll ever be this good, her designs inspire us to think outside the pumpkin (a stretch?) and get a little more creative with our carvings.

When did you start carving these more artistic pumpkins? What inspired you to go beyond the regular old pumpkin face? 

I started 8-9 years ago. I was passing through Union Station in D.C. and there was a display of presidential pumpkin faces, and a sale of presidential pumpkin stencils. I bought a stencil, and that started my fascination.

Did you know that you’d be so good?

I didn’t have a clue. I’m an artist by avocation so it came naturally, but yes, I was totally surprised. I call my carving hobby my “silly skill”.

How do you decide what you’re going to carve? 

Some inspiration comes from friends who give suggestions, the politics of the day, passing by a beautiful building, a visit to an art gallery. A story about endangered species inspired me to carve the Cross River Gorilla. I’ve also given pumpkin carvings as auction items at fundraising events, and then I carve whatever the buyer wants, which is a wonderful challenge. I love carving portraits of friends and giving them as a surprise for their doorstep at Halloween.

How long does it take you to carve one? 

Once the pumpkin’s cleaned and prepared, about an hour.

Do you have a favorite? 

I have many, but one is the statue of Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial.

Any tips for amateur pumpkin carvers? 

Buy some stencils and the little tools and have patience. And don’t rely on just one candle to light your masterpiece! It may take 3-4 to achieve a great glow!


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